PreAgri´s main objectives and expected outcomes are the following:

  • Objective 1:

    The stimulation of farmers and technical staff working in rural production to cope with the most up-to-date technologies and methodologies concerning digital farming and, more particularly, precision agriculture.

  • Objective 2

    The creation of a Handbook on Precision Agriculture for Beginners that seeks to introduce the world of precision agriculture to farmers, farming consultants and those working in the agricultural industry with no previous knowledge or specific training.

  • Objective 3

    The development of a curriculum (knowledge and skills) on precision agriculture applications for trainers and consultants in the agricultural sector.

  • Objective 4

    The introduction of innovative methodologies and applications for farmers according to modern technological progress and the reform of institutional guidelines in European policies and international suggestions.

  • Objective 5

    The implementation of a digital E-learning Platform on Precision Agriculture which will be a useful tool for VET trainers to educate, teach and incorporate the project outcomes in their sessions.

The e-Learning platform and the accompanied handbook will be created to work as means of exploitation for the VET trainers providing them a new teaching methodology during their training process. During the project implementation, VET trainers of every partner will be trained on how they will teach farmers and other agricultural stakeholders to use the Precision Agriculture Handbook for Beginners (IO1) and the Precision Agriculture VET Curriculum (IO2). The content of the Beginners’ Handbook and the Curriculum will be the educational material on precision agriculture which partners will develop. These will then be incorporated on the E-learning platform (IO3) and VET trainers will exploit it to train farmers and relevant stakeholders.

Upon the project’s completion, VET trainers of every partner country (Greece, Spain, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia) will have obtained the necessary knowledge and skills along with relevant competences to enable them to effectively train the members of the above-mentioned targets groups on the importance of precision agriculture application in creating a more qualified workforce for more sustainable agriculture.